Anna, thanks again for the program recommendation. There are several things on my mind that I would like to share. The first: are you familiar with the “Turn Away Study?” It is a years long study of thousands of women who had or were prevented from having an abortion. I did not know of the project until I heard a recent interview with the author of the book by that title, Diane Greene Foster, on Fresh Air (Teri Gross, NPR). The results are fascinating and offer clear empirical, rigorous evidence that abortions - for the vast majority of women - have no ill effects over their lives. There is much more, including issues of maternal bonding, who seeks abortions, and economic impacts. Second: I recently read a compelling article in the NYT (June 17), “There are Many Man-Made Objects: The Rape Kit Isn’t One of Them” (Also - Rape Kit’s Secret History). It is about the creation of the rape kit by Marty Goddard. This compelling article is written by Pagan Kennedy and it details the erasure of the story of Goddard’s creation and fight for a device that would prove to be a primary driver in revolutionary change towards our ideas of women’s sexual agency and victimization. And it was resisted by and ultimately taken over by a man named Vitullo who claimed the invention of the kit. Finally, I recently heard another call-in radio program where the caller expressed that pregnancy was far safer than abortion and unfortunately the host of the program did not correct him. In the past in certain lectures of mine, I would bring up the fact that prior to the mid-1920s, childbirth was the highest cause of mortality for women under the age of 40 in the US. It frustrates me and saddens me that people still have such a great misperception about the dangers of childbirth, women’s health and the safety of abortion.

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Hi Linda,

I am not familiar with the Turn Away Study, but I will read it now! I read the Pagan Kennedy article and was fascinated by it. It was so well-written and researched. Kennedy really brought Goddard to life. I know that many states, including NC, are now working hard to clear the rape kit backlog. But it will never make up for the kits that were lost or destroyed. Such a pitiful statement on the place of women in our culture. Thanks for your engagement with the article!

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Excellent article as was your May 6th. There is a insightful documentary on this topic that might interest other readers: PBS Frontline: The Abortion Divide which aired April 23, 2019.

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Thanks, Linda! I watched that a few weeks ago. There is another one called "12th and Delaware" that came out a few years ago about the advent of crisis pregnancy centers that you might like. It's available on Amazon.

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