a med given to prevent bleeding during procedure can cause low sodium rection... First time hyponatrimia--3 days of hosp. to stabilize. 2nd time, several years later: seizures, hyponatrimia, encephalitis, unwitnessed falls resulting in spinal fractures. 50 days in hosp. Brain finally healing...but will never be taking that med again. Platelet transfusions from now on.

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Wow! That is incredibly scary. I am so sorry that happened to you. I am glad you are healing.

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It was pretty terrifying--and I think moreso now that I'm stable and have been able to review my entire file from the stays in the hospital (they improperly discharged me home a few times) The lingering symptom seems to be difficulties with dates and numbers still...but otherwise just so grateful to be ALIVE and functioning!

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