Sitemap - 2020 - Chaise Lounge

Pornhub: Reckless Website or Criminal Enterprise?

Getting Ahead of Children's Mental Illness

Imagining New Paths to Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors

How the Undertreatment of Menopause Hurts Us All

Voter Access Remains Precarious for Some

What Happens When You are Home With Your Spouse Every Day

What Happens When One Religion is More Equal than Another

North Carolinians Stand Up to Voter Intimidation

Can Restorative Justice Work in Cases of Sexual Assault?

The Ultimate Mansplainers: Supreme Court Justices

Why Women Are Essential in Legislatures

Dreaming of Ruth


Children’s Safety Sacrificed in Rush to Pass a Bill

Buried Treasure in North Carolina Administration

Human-Centric Organizations: A Positive Result of the Pandemic?

How a New Framework Could Change Sex Education

A Little Beach Time

Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Work for Women and Minorities?

Fierce Women of the Week

Empathy and Dialogue: Healing America

Help Me Help You

Do Abortions Affect Mental Health?

The Decision is Here!

Punting a Problem Rarely Resolves One

What Happens if the Child Care System Goes Bust?

Forming Community

The Department of Education is a Protection Racket

How Long Does She Have to Wait?

Phyllis Schlafly - Puppet of the Patriarchy

Ever Wonder What Medical Care at Mayo Clinic is Like?

Abortion Access - We Have the Answer

Anti-abortion Protesters Endanger Lives

Articles and reflections mostly on women's issues and healthcare

COVID-19 is Seriously Impacting Women’s Reproductive Health

Why Medicaid Expansion is a No-Brainer

Ways To Stay Connected During COVID-19 Days

Community Totems Vanquish COVID-19

The Prime Directive and COVID-19

How Parents Are Adjusting to Kids as “Co-Workers”

The ACC Tournament of Women’s Athletic Wear is Here!

My Son Wants to Live in Asia: Now I Know Why

Treating Chronic Pain is Key to Solving the Opioid Epidemic